2022년 7월 1일 빅토리아 $250 전기세 지원금 관련

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  • 글주소
  • 05-02

빅토리아 댄 앤드류 주총리가 공지한 내용입니다.


3줄 요약:

- https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/ 에서 전기세를 비교하면 조건없이 $250 드림

- 더 싼 전기회사 바꾸면 전기세가 평균 $330불 줄어듬으로 이득

- 7월 1일부터 지원금 수령 가능




It's the easiest $250 you'll ever pocket.

Plus it could help you save hundreds more on your power bill.

From July 1 every Victorian household that logs onto our Energy Compare website to find a cheaper power deal will get $250.

No strings.

You don't have to make the switch - but chances are you'll find a provider that will cost you less.

Seven out of 10 Victorians who log on can find a cheaper deal.

And those who switch save an average of $330 in the first year alone.

So all up you could save $580.

There's one payment available per house - and there's no limit, so they're not going to run out.

The big power companies rely on us not bothering to find a cheaper deal, but they are out there - and the Energy Compare website helps you find one.

Set a reminder for 1 July, and start saving.