K-비디오 콘테스트: 한-호 수교 60주년 기념 행사

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  • 04-06
In celebration of the Korea-Australia 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, the Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea in Melbourne have decided to stage K-VIDEO CONTEST.

Tell us about your Korea. Whether it’s a person, a place or a thing, if it reminds you of Korea, that’s YOUR Korea. Unlock your creativity and share your stories with the world!

• Any individual residing in Victoria

• Why is KOR-AUS relationship meaningful to me?
• My personal memory about Korea
• Korea in my daily life
* These are examples only. Come up with your own theme that is best for you to describe your story on Korea.

Application Submission:
• Create and upload your video on YouTube
• Submit your application through Google Form (link below) with the URL of your video
• Click to fill out the applications: https://forms.gle/3uM4T5gLUQE3jjmk7

Important Dates:
• Submission Deadline: 7th May 2021
• Winners Announcement: 14th May 2021 (will be posted on Facebook)

Technical Requirements:
• Language: English
• Duration: 5-10 minutes long

• 1st Place: $1,000AUD
• 2nd Place: $700AUD
• 3rd Place: $500AUD

• Email: events@mofa.go.kr